What do you someone breaks something? I post the solution here...

Kubernetes (K8s/K3d) / Terraform / Ansible / Linux / AWS / Docker / Bash / Python / ELK / CI/CD / Java / Traefik / Nginx / CentOs / Ubuntu

Obscuring server from pings (@ procfs level)

Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network.

                     1) By using ping sweeps it becomes easy to identify hosts alive in the network,which
   can result in ping flooding, once ping flooding crosses the limit, the network gets jammed

Lets hide our servers:
                     1) view the current settings, make the necessary change,write it to the file
                     2) test it !!! Done 

Too Much of Theory, Lets get our hand dirty

Ping Sweep

Ping Sweep is a technique used to identify if the hosts are alive in the networks using their IP addresses. The Ping Sweep method is used to ping many hosts at once

Ping Flood

A ping flood is a simple denial-of-service attack where the attacker overwhelms the victim with ICMP "echo request" (ping) packets. This is most effective by using the flood option of ping which sends ICMP packets as fast as possible without waiting for replies.



Unknown said...

Nice one 👍
Keep posting shailesh..

Shailesh Thakur said...

Thank you @karankumar,Surely will keep you posted

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