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Creating Public IP Address in Azure

Creating Public IP Address in Azure(Part 4) 

Public IP Address:
        This is  an IP address that can  be directly assigned to VM rather than using the IP of the Cloud Service the VM resides in .Each Subscription can have up to 5 Public IP .Using PIP allows external traffic to hit  the VM to any port .
Outbound traffic originating  from the VMs goes out with Public IP address has to be on regional VNET first

New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress has some properties like:

  1. Allocation-Method(Dynamic/Static)
  2. ResourceGroupName
  3. DomainNameLabel
  4. IdleTimeOutInMinutes
  5. IpAddressVersion
  6. Location
  7. Name etc

$LOCATION="South Central US"

$PIP=New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -AllocationMethod Static ` -ResourceGroupName $RG -DomainNameLabel $DnsName -IpAddressVersion IPv4 -Location $LOCATION -Name $PublciIPName 


Thanks you !!!
Have a Nice Day Ahead !!!

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