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Password less Authentication on two Docker Containers

Password less Authentication on two Docker Containers

    Note : This article is reply to the question posted by Vijay Kumar Balaji

     Steps :
       1.Build a Docker Image from Dockerfile, create two Containers
       2.Setup Public and Private key

Lets Do it, I have used Azure Docker Virtual Machine,you can have your own 
docker setup.

It is pre-assumed that you know docker.



          1.Build a Docker Image, create two Containers

       Here i have used Dockerfile,you can also do it manually pulling a bare OS and set up SSH.

     Create a Dockerfile

                       vim Dockerfile

   write and quit.Lets build image from the docker file that is done as..
     docker build -t osgroup/ssh_machine1  .

 . means from the current directory.

    Creating first container
        docker run -tid osgroup/ssh_machine1

    we can run it twice to create two containers

    Checking the running containers
            docker ps

     Checking the IP assigned to containers

        docker inspect <container_name > | grep IPAddress

Getting Inside the first container

      docker exec -ti <container_name> bash

Checking with ssh and logging on second container with password

     ssh -l root <ip-address_of second container>

             2.Setup Public and Private key

We generated a public and private key pair on first machine 


Copy the public key to the other machine
       ssh-copy-id  -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub <ip_of_remote container>

That's all Done !!!!

Thanks Happy Virtualization !!!! Feel Free to post as may question possible we try to solve as much as we can 

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