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Kubernetes (K8s/K3d) / Terraform / Ansible / Linux / AWS / Docker / Bash / Python / ELK / CI/CD / Java / Traefik / Nginx / CentOs / Ubuntu

GUI Access to Ubuntu 14.04 (Azure VMs) from windows

            We have used Azure Virtual Machine (Ubuntu 14.04) specifically to configure it, so that we can access via windows RDP

NSG(Network Security Group) with (http/https/rdp/ssh) configured as inbound rules

Virtual Machine:
            Create a New VM:(Ubuntu 14.04)


Select the Configuration and select the NSG Created

Once The VM is created Grab the IP from the Dashboard and do ssh to the VM using putty

sylesh@sylesh1:~$ sudo –s
Note: will be prompted password( it same password which you passed while machine creation)
root@sylesh1:~# apt-get update
root@sylesh1:~# apt-get install xrdp –y
Note: This will take some time after this is done
root@sylesh1:~# apt-get install lubuntu-desktop –y
Note:This will take somewhere about 15 mins after this is done create a xsession file in the users home directory with some content

root@sylesh1:~# echo "lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE  " > ~/.xsession

root@sylesh1:~# /etc/init.d/xrdp restart
Note: Congrats Now we can access the gui of the Ubuntu 14.04


Unknown said...

thanks buddy i was needed this ,thanks for the great job

Shailesh Thakur said...

You are Welcome

Unknown said...

may i get same for centos

Unknown said...

thanks for creating nice blog..

Shailesh Thakur said...

yaah sure i will upload the ducuments for centos asap

Ajinkya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ajinkya said...

**Small Update**
This worked for Ubuntu 14.04, but for later versions like 16.04, XRDP was not enough.

So what I did is :
1) sudo apt-get install xrdp

2) sudo apt-get install mate-core mate-desktop-environment mate-notification-daemon

3) sudo sed -i.bak '/fi/a #xrdp multiple users configuration \n mate-session \n' /etc/xrdp/startwm.sh

That's all !!

By the way, thank you for this post Shailesh. It was very helpful.

Shailesh Thakur said...

That's Great Ajinkya thanks for the taking an effort and updating yup I was planning to post document for 16.04 as well thanks for the help

loveinabox said...

Thanks for putting it all together, very much helpful.

Unknown said...

Its great job Shailesh , very helpful....
Going forward ,I am looking for blogs regards AWS

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